Vinøst vin & mad

Cookie and Privacy Policy
Guidelines for the use of cookies and personal information on When visiting the Vinøst website ( and all sub-pages) you agree to the following privacy policy.

CookiesWhat are cookies?
The first time you visit the Vinøst website you will automatically receive one or more cookies. A cookie is a small text file stored in your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome) and registers you as a unique user. Cookies make it easier to use the internet, because you do not have to continually start over. The website can therefore use a cookie to remember information about your preferences.

What do we use cookies for?
Cookies tell us about your visit to and all other related domains. In order to determine who uses Vinøst’s website, we use cookies to generate demographic and user-related statistics. We collect information that tells us for how long your visit lasts, which pages you read, if your computer has visited the site before, which browser and operating system you use, IP number, etc.

How long do we store the cookies?
The cookies that are sent to you will be stored on your device for a varied number of months, from the last time you visited our website. Each time you revisit our site, the period is extended. These cookies are automatically deleted after they expire. You can read how to delete these cookies below.

How do you avoid cookies?
If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can block all cookies, delete existing cookies from your hard drive or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. Here is a site that can help if you want to avoid cookies:

Personal informationWhat is personal information?
Vinøst asks for your personal and user-related information, when you book a table on our website or subscribe to the newsletter. It is primarily information such as name, phone number, and e-mail address. In connection with a booking there is some information that is obligatory; this is marked clearly on the form.  All other information given in connection with a purchase or signing up for a service, such as a newsletter, is voluntary.

How long do we keep personal information?
When you book a table on our website, we need your personal data for documentation, your personal data is archived. After two years all personal data held by Vinøst will be deleted.

Protection of personal dataIn accordance with the Personal Data Law, personal information is kept secure and confidential. We store the personal information you provide, on computer systems with secured access, which are located in controlled facilities. Our security measures are checked regularly to determine whether our users’ personal information is properly managed, and still in accordance your personal rights as a user. However, we cannot guarantee 100% security when transferring data via the internet. This means that there is a risk unauthorized persons can gain access to information when data is transmitted and stored electronically. Be aware that you provide personal information at your own risk.

Changes to the handling of personal information
The rapid development of the internet means that changes in our handling of personal information may be necessary. We reserve the right to update and amend the guidelines for handling personal information. If we do so, we will of course, amend the ‘last updated’ date at the bottom of this page. In case of substantial changes we will place a notification, in clear sight, on our website(s).If you have any questions regarding the security of our services, you are welcome to contact us directly via

Last updated: March 2023